APYs are Annual Percentage Yields. They stand to mean the total interest earned on a particular saving investment over one year.
Saving with a higher APY is preferred to one with a lower APY. It is for this reason that saving in Cryptocurrency is encouraged. It is essential, however, to use a reliable savings app like HaggleX. The HaggleX app supports fixed and flexible savings on BTC, ETH, LTC, TRX, BNB, USDT, BCH, DOGE, and XRP.
When you provide your savings to the HaggleX platform, you earn interest on the amount saved. You also qualify to win a $100 Monthly draw in an ongoing “Save-to-win” promo that ends in December.
Choosing a Good Crypto Savings Plan
A good savings plan is specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely (S.M.A.R.T).
Specific means that you should tag your crypto savings plan to something you’d like to achieve e.g Saving for children's school fees, for Grandma’s birthday, or summer vacation. The HaggleX app gives you an option to describe what you’re saving for.
A particular amount must be also estimated to avoid “undersaving”.
Everyone loves to know their performance. Measurable success is always more satisfying. Likewise, being able to measure your crypto savings against your specific plan will help you focus. So set yardsticks with which you will calculate your performance.
A crypto savings plan ought to be achievable. When planning, always consider the risks involved. If you’re someone who likes to take low risks, saving in stable coins like USDT is recommended. On the other hand, if you like to take high risks, saving in meme coins like Dogecoin would be profitable.
Ensure that you understand the risks and choose the Crypto plan whose risk you can manage easily.
When creating a crypto savings plan, take into cognizance your average crypto income and plan accordingly. Baby steps are allowed as long as they’re aligned to achieve the big goal. So be realistic when creating your financial plan.
Being timely creates a sense of urgency. Every crypto savings plan should be timely.
Best Cryptos To Invest In On The HaggleX App
A crucial reason why you should save crypto with the HaggleX app is that you can earn as high as 21% ROI on fixed savings within the range of 3 to 6 or 9 months or even 12 months.
Let’s briefly analyze four cryptocurrencies you can save on the HaggleX app to earn APYs:
BTC: Bitcoin has outperformed all other asset classes by at least a factor of 100x. With a monthly average ROI of between 10%-50% and a market cap of over $1trillion, Bitcoin is one asset that every crypto investor ought to have.
From the above, saving $100 worth of BTC can earn you as low as $10 monthly on your savings and as high as $50. Cumulatively, that’s earnings of about $120-$600 annually on your initial capital of $100. Adding to this, the HaggleX platform pays a 5% annual APY on every BTC saved.
ETH: The next big thing after Bitcoin is Ethereum! In just six years, its price went from about $11 to over $4,400, increasing nearly 40,000%. If you saved $10 at its inception, your current ROI would be $4000.
But not to worry, you’re not too late. Future predictions are that ETH would get to $15000 by 2025. Saving that $10 today won’t be a bad start. Earning an additional 6% ROI on your ETH saved on the HaggleX app makes it a choice crypto to save in.
USDT: For those who prefer to take lower risks, saving in USDT is the best option. Unlike some other forms of cryptocurrency, Tether is a stable coin, meaning it doesn’t fluctuate as often as other volatile Cryptocurrencies. It is also backed by fiat currencies like U.S. dollars and the Euro and hypothetically keeps a value equal to one of those denominations.
It is agreeably better to save in USDT, especially if you’re in a country where the dollar is of a higher value than your local currency. Of all crypto saved on the HaggleX app, USDT has the highest APY, 21%. A high APY on such a low-risk saving plan is a plus.
XRP: With a market cap of over $52 billion and a current price of $1.1, XRP is the perfect crypto to save if you’re looking for an asset with a small value that you can get more for, even with low capital. Also, you earn a 2.8% APY on every XRP saved on your HaggleX app.
Each of these analyzed cryptocurrencies can be saved with the HaggleX app and even more. This is not a piece of financial advice though and it is vital to do your research before choosing which Cryptocurrency to save in.
But just in case you are unconvinced about saving in crypto, here are three valid reasons why you should save in Crypto.
Reasons Why You Should Save In Crypto
Higher APYs: Cryptocurrency yields higher interests for you than what you’d likely earn from saving at a traditional bank. Notably, on average, traditional banks pay less than 10% APY on savings. When compared to the APYs earned on Crypto savings, the best option is to save in cryptocurrency.
Transparency: Due to how the Blockchain is run, transactions are visible to everyone and you can check the growth of your asset at any given time.
Understand that if you save 1 BTC on the HaggleX app (at an assumed rate of $5000/1 BTC), at the end of your fixed savings period, you get 21% ROI plus the current worth of your BTC (meaning that if the price of BTC has risen in value to $10000, your capital is increased by 100%). The ease of accountability and transparency is part of what makes saving in crypto desirable.
Easy Accessibility: Unlike traditional banks where one goes through different channels before they can cancel their fixed savings or withdraw, saving in crypto platforms (HaggleX) allows you access to your funds without much hassle.
Kick start your new financial plan today by downloading the HaggleX app here and creating a Crypto Savings plan. And don’t worry about comparing yourself to others who started before you, a large majority of people have no crypto asset at all so you’re in on this early. Leave your comments and questions, I’ll love to hear and answer them.
HaggleX is the ideal place to store your cryptos because of its use of the most secure and up-to-date encryption technology available.
In a matter of seconds, you may get the HaggleX app from the Google Play Store or the Apple Store.
Google Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hagglex.hagglex
Apple Store: https://apps.apple.com/ng/app/hagglex-buy-sell-btc-and-eth/id1535046179
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